Hot and Cold Foot Treatments for Dry Skin
Podiatrist, Dr. Jeffrey Oster says, "Dry, peeling skin on the bottom of the foot is often the only sign of a chronic athlete's foot infection. Environmental changes and the daily use of a topical antifungal can alleviate the symptoms of cracking and dryness." If you have a serious condition of dry skin on your feet, be sure to check with a medical specialist for proper and specific care. For general dry skin on your feet, you can try several methods of regular care, including foot baths, lotions and oils.-
Ointments can be used warm or cool when applying to dry skin. Many different types of creams, lotions and tea tree oil blends can soothe the feet, as well. Gently rubbing these into the skin on a regular basis will add moisture and softness to your feet. Look for lotions that contain comfrey, jojoba, vitamin E, calendula and chamomile. Anti-fungal soaps can help reduce fungal infections.
Foot Baths
Foot baths are quite helpful for dry skin. The warmth is good for circulation, and the soak can help remove dry, flaky skin. Soak your feet in a foot bath into which you've added a cup of honey to a gallon of hot water. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. You can find other recipes for ingredients to soak in, and add scrubbing formulas to remove undesirable flakiness. Dry and apply creams afterward; your skin will feel noticeably softer.
Essential Oils
Lavendar is a popular essential oil for many different purposes. You can apply it directly to your feet, or add a few drops into jojoba, olive, almond or avocado oils. Other essential oils good for the skin are jasmine, sandalwood, rosewood and eucalyptus. These can also be mixed in with creams and lotions for extra healing effects.
Massage therapy with a licensed practitioner can help with healing dry skin. By massaging the muscles of the legs and feet, circulation increases, which helps alleviate the problem. Another aspect of healing comes as a result of massaging lymph nodes, which helps eliminate toxins, which can cause such conditions. Most massage therapists use special creams and oils when massaging, and some apply hot towels. Your feet will thank you for the extra care and attention.