Antifungal Activities
Apply Ointment or Oil
Always follow the instructions on over-the-counter drugs, even topical ones. If you use an anti-fungal ointment or oil with regularity, you'll be able to effectively fight fungus. Use over-the-counter ointments according to the instructions printed on the box or bottle. This usually means applying a thin layer one to two times daily on the affected area. You can also use natural fungus remedies, such as tea tree oil. If using a natural ointment or oil, be sure to ask a knowledgeable source how best to apply it.
Eat Right
Peanuts can carry mycotoxins and should be avoided. Candida is one form of fungus that grows inside the body or in the mouth. You can fight it by going on the candida diet. This includes eating no sugar (including no or very little naturally occurring sugar). Mushrooms and other fungus foods are also not allowed. Protein, most vegetables and some grains are allowed. Onions and garlic, known anti-fungals, are highly encouraged. Sometimes, mycotoxins (toxic chemicals produced by fungi) sneak into your diet on such foods as corn, peanuts, meat and dairy. These foods should never be served raw if you hope to kill mycotoxins before consumption.
Prevent Contraction
Always wear flip-flops in public showers. Prevent contraction of fungal infections by wearing flip-flops or other shower shoes in shared showers, such as at the gym or when camping. Also, always use your own clean towel, rather than sharing a towel with a friend. Eating right can prevent contraction of a fungal infection as well as help cure it. Finally, avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row and always wear clean socks to keep your foot environment inhospitable to athletes' foot fungus.
Boost Immune System
Sleep is essential to your immune system functioning. Even as over-the-counter drugs or natural remedies are working to fight a fungus from the outside, your body will be struggling to fight a fungus from the inside. For this reason, it's important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Even if you don't go on a candida diet, you can still lower your sugar and alcohol intake and increase your intake of vegetables and whole food in order to boost your immune system. Drinking fresh water instead of soft drinks or coffee, getting plenty of sleep and lowering your stress and anxiety levels will also boost your immune system.