How to Get Rid of Scars & Bruises on Legs
Things You'll Need
- Onion extract (gel form)
- Silicone
- Alpha Hydroxy Acids
- Ice pack
- Arnica gel
- Lavender oil
- Rosemary oil
Apply a thin coat of onion extract in gel form to the surface of the scar three times daily. This gel can be applied to the scarred area on a daily basis over several months. Onion extract is an ingredient found in brand name ointments and lotions that are used to treat scar tissue.
Place a silicone sheet over the scar or rub silicone gel over the scar. Silicone has been found to lighten the appearance of scars.
Use alpha hydroxy acids, found in topical creams and lotions, to treat the surface of the scarred region. Alpha hydroxy acids can naturally remove dead skin cells and make the appearance of the scar lighter.
Place an ice pack on the bruise to help reduce the swelling of the bruised area. The ice will also slow down the blood flow to the bruise.
Use arnica gel on the bruise by applying it to the bruise surface. Arnica gel is widely used to reduce bruises.
Apply a small amount of lavender oil to a washcloth and cover the bruise with the cloth. Make sure the bruise is completely covered by the lavender oil. The lavender oil will turn the bruise yellow. Apply rosemary oil to the yellow bruise to increase circulation and remove the yellow color.