How to Make a Drawing Paste for a Boil
Boils are the angry, painful, pus-filled bumps that occur on your skin when bacteria infects the hair follicles, causing inflammation. Boils can usually be treated by your doctor with antibiotics, but for those who would rather not use medication there are many home remedies that have been in use for many years. Many of the most common home remedies involve making a drawing paste or poultice from fresh or dried herbs that have antibacterial or anti-inflammatory properties. These are then applied directly to the boil to draw out the infection, which allows the boil to drain and then heal.Things You'll Need
- Fresh thyme leaves
- Slippery elm powder
- Boiling water
- Bowl
- Spoon or pestle
- Turmeric powder
- Water, milk or castor oil
- Milk
- Bread
- Thin gauze or cheesecloth
Tear or crush a small handful of fresh thyme leaves and place in a small dish. Cover the thyme leaves with enough boiling water to cover them and mash the leaves into a pulp using a spoon or pestle. Drain off excess water and add 2 tsp. slippery elm powder. Mix thoroughly to form a paste-like consistency.
Mix 1tsp. powdered turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger, and a pinch of salt with 1 tbsp. of honey to form a thick paste.
Heat up some milk until it is as hot as you can stand when dropped on the skin. Soak a piece of bread in the hot milk and then wrap it in thin gauze or cheesecloth, so that it can be held against the skin.