How to Remove a Hickey Overnight
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Metal spoon
- Freezer
- Soft toothbrush
- Heating pad
- Ibuprofen
- Aloe vera
- Concealer
Moisten a spoon with water and put it into the freezer for five minutes to cool. Once cold, remove the spoon and hold it on the hickey for several minutes. This will reduce the swelling and redness.
Swipe a soft toothbrush from the center of the hickey outward. Move in circular motions around the entire mark. This massaging will get the blood flowing and break up the clots which cause dark bruising.
Apply a warm heating pad to the hickey and hold for up to five minutes. Heat causes the capillaries to expand and heal. Reapply the heat and hold for five minutes every hour.
Take an nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as Ibuprofen or Motrin, to reduce inflammation and ease any associated pain.
Squirt a pea-sized amount of aloe vera gel onto the hickey. Massage the gel into the bruise. Aloe soothes skin conditions and promotes healing.
Cover any remaining hickey discoloration using a cosmetic concealer. Choose a concealer that is green-based to counteract the redness in the hickey. Dab the product directly onto the bruise and blend outwards until the hickey is completely concealed.