Causes of Moles Bleeding
One of the biggest causes for a bleeding mole is skin cancer, or melanoma. In the case of skin cancer, you are likely to notice other changes to the mole before it bleeds, such as a change in color, size or shape. The mole may begin to bleed spontaneously, without any outside factors that may have irritated the mole. Even if the mole had previously been deemed noncancerous, changes can take place, causing a mole to turn cancerous at a later date. It is important to catch melanoma in the early stages to prevent spreading.
In some cases, a mole may bleed simply because it has been irritated. You may have unknowingly scratched the area because of a bug bite or at random. If you do not remember scratching it, your clothes may have rubbed the area raw or you may have brushed up against something. In these cases, the mole is likely not a dangerous one. However, any time you have a mole that is bleeding, make an appointment with your doctor just in case.
Hair Pulling
Some moles have a hair that grows from its center. Depending on the location of this mole, you may want to remove the coarse, dark hair that protrudes from its center. Whether you choose to pull this hair out on your own or use a razor to shave it, you can cause bleeding from the mole, especially if you nick it with the razor. When this happens, there is generally no cause for concern unless the mole does not stop bleeding.
If you notice you have a bleeding mole, it is important to schedule an appointment with your doctor or a dermatologist as soon as possible. Melanoma is one of the biggest causes of mole bleeding and requires immediate attention. The doctor will take a sample of cells from the mole and test it for melanoma. If the test is positive, the doctor removes the mole in the office using local anesthesia. If the mole is not cancerous, he may ask you to return for follow-up visits to ensure that the mole does not change.