How to Get Rid of Mollescum
Things You'll Need
- Salicylic acid medicine
- Immunotherapy medication
Apply over-the-counter salicylic acid medicine directly to the molluscum bumps. You can find salicylic acid at your local pharmacy.
Use a cream or gel-based immunotherapy medication, which triggers your immune system to fight the virus causing the skin growth. Apply the medication to the affected area three times a week and leave it on the skin for up to 10 hours before washing it off. Immunotherapy medications are available only by prescription, and a treatment course may last up to 16 weeks, depending on results.
Visit your doctor's office to have the molluscum bumps removed by cutting, freezing or laser therapy. A local or topical anesthetic is used to numb the area. Removal procedures are immediately effective but may cause scarring.
Prevent the spread of the molluscum during treatment by avoiding rubbing or scratching the bumps. Wash your hands frequently throughout the day, and don't let other people use your clothing, towels or other personal items. Avoid skin contact with others until the bumps have completely disappeared.