How to Deal With a Boil
Clean the boil carefully. Wash it twice a day with an antibacterial soap to keep it clean and reduce the risk of its spreading. Wash your hands before touching it so that you don't get any dirt or bacteria on it. Also wash your hands after touching the boil.
Make a compress with a washcloth that's been run under warm water. Place it on the boil. The heat from the washcloth will help to bring the pus to the surface and rupture the boil faster. Apply the compress for 10 to 20 minutes. Do this four times a day.
Put benzoyl peroxide on the boil. The peroxide will help to dry it out. You can buy any over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide. Apply it twice a day. Benzoyl peroxide provides another benefit because it's an antiseptic, so it will kill bacteria.
Use a solution of saltwater when the boil has popped. Take 1 teaspoon of salt, add it to a cup of hot water and stir. Dip a washcloth into the solution and hold it on the boil until the washcloth becomes cool. The solution will help to draw out the pus.
Apply an antibacterial ointment to the popped boil after washing it. Place a bandage over it to keep it clean. Wash it at least three times a day.