Winter Itch Symptoms
The most common symptom of winter itch is itching. Scratching usually doesn't help with winter itch, though. In addition to being itchy, skin may also feel dry and tight.
Skin that is afflicted with winter itch is frequently flaky. The flakes may originate from scaly red patches on particularly dry areas like elbows and knees. With extreme cases of winter itch, the entire surface of the skin may flake when scratched.
Very dry skin afflicted with winter itch can crack open and bleed. This is especially likely to occur along the bottoms of the feet and elbows. To prevent cracking on dry areas, apply baby oil in the shower and moisturize with a thick, unscented lotion several times each day.
If you have skin allergies that get worse during the winter months, you are likely suffering from winter itch. Irritation from laundry detergent, soaps, lotions and even dust is worsened by winter air. A small rash of contact dermatitis can quickly become painful when the rash dries out. People with allergies need to be especially careful about moisturizing during the winter months.
For some people, dry skin does not cause flaking. Instead, it results in a red or ruddy chapped appearance on the skin. If your skin is painful or itchy to the touch and turning red, you are likely suffering from winter itch.