Symptoms: Hot Fingertips & Tingling
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Hot, tingling fingertips are most commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition happens when pressure is put on the median nerve in your wrist, which helps move your hand and fingers. Carpal tunnel is commonly caused by doing a repetitive motion with your hands, such as typing or sewing. Additional symptoms include pain and weakness in the hand, fingers or wrist. Early symptoms of carpal tunnel are usually treated with a wrist brace, hot and cold compresses and anti-inflammatory drugs. About half of all cases must be treated with surgery. It can cause permanent nerve damage if left untreated.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal becomes smaller and presses down on the spinal cord and nerves. When spinal stenosis occurs in the neck, it can cause a numb, tingling and burning sensation in the fingers, hands and arms. Osteoarthritis, disc degeneration and spinal tumors and injuries can all cause this condition. Spinal stenosis is often treated with specially designed exercises and physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication and acupuncture. Severe cases must be treated with surgery. If left untreated, spinal stenosis can cause severe weakness and paralysis.
Multiple Sclerosis
This symptom can also be caused by neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis. This autoimmune disease affects the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal chord. People with multiple sclerosis often feel burning and tingling sensations in many parts of their body, including their fingertips. Additional symptoms include loss of balance, muscle spasms, tremors, dizziness and double vision. Though there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, there are a number of medications that can slow its progression and lessen the severity of symptoms. Steroids are often commonly administered to make attacks less severe.
Finger Infection
The cause of your symptoms could be a viral or bacterial infection in the skin of your fingers. Both a herpetic whitlow and cellulitis infection can cause a hot, tingling sensation in the fingertips. Herpetic whitlow is caused by a viral infection causes open wounds, accompanied by redness and swelling. Cellulitis is a superficial infection cause by bacteria entering the skin around your fingers. The hot, tingling sensation is accompanied by swelling and redness as well as your finger feeling warm to the touch. Cellulitis infection is typically treated with oral and topical antibiotics.