How to Cure a Raw Tongue
Purchase some over-the-counter pain relievers, if you are experiencing discomfort. Your family doctor will not prescribe any antibiotics, because geographic tongue will eventually clear up on its own. However, pain relief medication is a good idea if the rawness of the tongue is causing you pain.
Invest in some antihistamine mouth rinses or anesthetic mouth washes to treat the tongue directly. Always read the label for before consumption -- you may not be able to take pain killers and mouth rinses at the same time.
Ensure your daily diet does not aggravate your geographic tongue further. In particular, avoid hot, spicy, acidic or salty foods and stay away from tobacco, alcohol and toothpaste that contains tartar-control additives, heavy flavoring or whitening agents.
See your family doctor, if the pain and discomfort continues. The reaction on your tongue may also be any number of other ailments and conditions, like a possible food allergy.