Natural Cures for Dry Skin & Allergies
Natural Oils for Dry Skin
Massaging the face and/or body with almond oil everyday is a great way to cure dry skin naturally, says Natural Home Remedies. The oil helps to lock moisture in your pores, meanwhile protecting it from any environmental triggers for dry skin like pollution, cold weather or excess use of make-up. Applying grape-seed oil, avocado oil or caster oil to the dry skin can also be beneficial, according to Natural Home Remedies.
Homemade Moisturising Remedies
Making your own moisturising lotion from natural ingredients can be an excellent cure for dry skin. Natural Home Remedies recommends mixing one egg yolk, 1 tsp. orange juice, 1 tsp. olive oil and a few drops of lime juice and rose water to apply to the face in the morning 15 minutes before taking a bath. This is a completely natural remedy for dry skin. Alternatively, if you prefer something quick and simple, mash up a ripe banana and apply to the skin, leaving for 15 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.
Cleaning Dry Skin
Washing your skin incorrectly can cause dryness and irritation, so adapt your skin-cleaning routine to help it rebuild its natural moisture. When washing the face, soak it in lukewarm water for 10 minutes and avoid using harsh facial cleansers. Avoid warm or hot water, especally during winter, and use mineral water if you can, says Natural Home Remedies. When taking a bath, adding a few drops of lavander oil or a gallon of milk are other effective treatments for dry skin.
Natural Lotion for Skin Allergy
Home Remedies For You recommends making a paste of sandalwood powder and water and applying it to the affected area. This helps to sooth and reduce the irritation caused by the allergy so it clears up naturally. Alternatively, you can apply coconut oil mixed with lemon to the area, says Natural Home Remedies.
Boost Your Immunity to Cure Allergies
Your immune system works much harder when you have an allergy, so you need to strengthen it to protect your skin and keep it healthy. Taking an Echinacea or Indian gooseberry supplement can boost yur immune system, especially when taken in its natural, most concentrated form, says Natural Remedies For You. Taking 1000mg of Vitamin C a day also helps to prevent allergy breakouts from reoccurring, says Natural Home Remedies.