How to Get Rid of Pitting on Your Face
Get a chemical peel. In this procedure, the doctor uses a solution containing acid. The acid smooths out the top layer of skin. This will reduce the appearance of the pitting. You will need a series of peels. This treatment may not work well on deeper pitting, so make sure your doctor does a thorough examination of your scars.
Invest in dermabrasion. This technique involves sanding the top layers of the skin with a brush or diamond wheel device. This treatment may have some effect on the pitted scars since it does remove the top layers of skin. You will need a series of treatments. Deeper pitting may require other treatments.
Get a laser treatment. There are different laser treatments available to help produce new skin growth. One type of laser destroys the top scarred layer. As it heals, new skin is formed, according to the Mayo Clinic website. The other laser produces new skin growth without damage to the outer skin. Thus, there is less chance of infection. You need to speak to your doctor about which type of laser is better for your scarring. You will need multiple treatments.
Talk to your doctor about surgery. If your pitted scars are deep, they may not respond well to other treatments. A punch excision is a procedure in which the doctor inserts a surgical device into the skin to remove the pitted areas. The skin is then sewn back together. Alternatively, your doctor can fill the area with a skin graft taken from another part of your body.