Top 10 Causes of Dry Skin
1. Winter Weather
In the winter months, outside humidity levels drop. The water in your skin evaporates easier in cold, dry air, leaving you with that dry, tight feeling. Protect your skin by wearing protective clothing to shield it from the elements, especially if you are a winter sports enthusiast and enjoy activities in the sun. Generously apply lotion that contains moisture-holding ingredients like glycerin.
2. Long Hot Showers and Baths
Use warm water -- not hot -- for a 10-minute bath. It sounds great, but the combination of hot water and soaking strips skin of protective oils. Instead, try bathing in warm---not hot---water and limit showers and baths to 10 minutes.
3. Indoor Heating
Dry indoor heating dries out both the skin and the mucus membranes. This leads to chapped lips, a dry throat and dry noses, which can lead to nosebleeds. The solution is simple. Set your heat to the lowest setting that's comfortable. If needed, wear extra clothing to keep indoor heating at the minimum. Also, use a humidifier at night to help hydrate the skin.
4. Dehydration
Even if you're not as thirsty in the wintertime because of less sweating, you still lose water through your skin every day. If you're not drinking enough, your body becomes dehydrated. The solution is a quick fix. Drink more water. Even if you don't feel thirsty, have a nice hot cup of decaffeinated coffee or flavored herbal tea. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
5. Wrong Soaps
Public restrooms are guilty of this. Most contain a harsh generic soap that does get your hands clean, but it strips away moisture. When at home, use a moisturizing body wash and save the harsher soap for the tough areas like the elbows, feet and armpits.
6. Not Using Body Lotions
Use a moisturizing lotion after every shower. According to the Everydayhealth website, it's just as important to moisturize in the winter as it is in the summertime. If you don't use some sort of moisturizing agent on your body, dry skin becomes itchy and flaky. After every shower, rub down your body with a moisturizing lotion.
7. Wrong Clothing
Steer clear of scratchy fibers like wool, which aggravates dry skin. Wear more cotton, silk or other natural fibers that help your skin to "breathe."
8. Lip Licking
Long-wearing lipsticks can leave your lips dry. While it works temporarily, eventually lip licking dries out your lips as the saliva evaporates. Matte or long- wearing lipsticks also can leave your lips dry. Instead, consider using a lip balm, lip ointment or lip butter. Apply it under your lipstick to add moisture.
9. Frequent Hand Washing
Washing your hands constantly along with using hand sanitizers leaves your skin dry. You need to keep hands clean to avoid germs, but excess exposure to soap, water and sanitizer strips the skin of its natural oils. Use a moisturizing hand soap instead. Also lotion up after each washing. Use protective gloves when washing dishes.
10. Not Eating Right
Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you don't eat enough fatty acids, your body won't have enough building blocks to maintain a protective bubble of lipids (fats) that surround the skin cells. These fats replenish natural oils and leave skin smooth. Eat foods that contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, including oily fish (sardines, salmon and tuna).