Tips on Covering Love Bites
Concealer, sometimes known as color corrector, is used by women in order to conceal facial blemishes. This type of makeup may be applied over the love bite in order to reduce most signs of the bruise. Use a slightly darker shade of concealer than your skin tone in order to achieve the best results. Foundation may also be used but typically offers less coverage than concealer.
A scarf is a long piece of clothing that wraps around the neck. A thick scarf will cover most of the neck. Some people will wear a scarf during winter weather in order to hide all traces of a hickey. If the love bite is located on the lower portions of the neck, wearing a high collared shirt may be sufficient enough to hide all traces of the bruise. Some university students pop their collars as a fashion statement, which is useful for hiding bruises located further up on the neck. A polo neck or turtle neck sweater is a garment that features a high round collar that completely covers the neck. If you receive a love bite during colder weather, a turtle neck will cover the mark.
While most men do not have hair long enough to conceal a love bite, women with long hair can choose to let their hair down which will cover most of their neck. Depending upon where the hickey is, it may be difficult to style your hair to hide the love bite throughout the day.
During warm weather, people cannot easily wear neckwear without looking out of place. Others have short hairstyles, and makeup does not completely hide the love bite. It usually takes a few days for a love bite to vanish. Gently massaging the love bite will increase blood circulation to that part of the neck and applying ice will reduce the healing time.