Cellulite and Skin

Squeeze your thigh and examine the appearance of the skin. If it looks rippled like an orange peel, you likely have cellulite. While cellulite is not life threatening, many women believe it ruins their shape and seems unhealthy.
  1. Definition

    • Cellulite is a visible combination of fat, water and trapped wastes beneath the skin. Both slim and overweight people can possess cellulite, and it is more common in women, since men have a layer of muscle that hides its appearance.


    • According to well-known naturopathic physician Linda Page, cellulite can be hereditary. More often, she says, it results from a liver-exhausting diet, a buildup of estrogen in the body and sluggish metabolism of fats. Other causes include lack of exercise, not drinking enough water, yo-yo dieting, smoking and wearing tight jeans or underwear.

    UV Rays

    • Some women believe that getting a tan will minimize the appearance of cellulite, but the solution is a catch-22. While a tanned body may look slimmer, too much sun exposure increases cellulite. Ultraviolet rays break down collagen tissue, which forms the framework of skin and prevents the unsightly appearance of cellulite.

    Dietary Help

    • Emphasize collagen-strengthening and liver-cleansing foods in your diet to reduce or lessen the appearance of cellulite. Asparagus and oranges help preserve collagen and capillaries, broccoli aids estrogen balance, and pears, pineapple, carrots, beets and cucumbers help flush the liver. The cellulite blacklist includes fried foods, anything made with refined sugar, carbonated sodas and extra salty foods.

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