How to Prevent Itching
Refrain from scratching. Scratching makes the itch worse. Bandage the itchy area, cut your nails short or wear gloves at night to avoid scratching.
Apply cool, wet compresses to the itchy area. You can use a sealed, plastic bag filled with ice. Wrap the bag in a towel to avoid direct contact with the skin. Don't leave the ice on your skin for longer than 20 minutes.
Apply aloe vera. This gel, which comes from aloe plants, soothes itches, reduces inflammation and, because it contains vitamin E, helps healed damaged skin. Rub on a small amount of the gel with your hand to the affected area. You can find this gel in most drugstores.
Take a lukewarm or cool bath. This can soothe itches, and adding a few tablespoons of baking powder to the water makes it even more soothing. If you have an infectious skin condition, adding a few drops of teatree oil, which is antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral, will help kill the infection.
Ensure you are getting the vitamins you need for healthy skin. Beta carotene, vitamins E and C and zinc are the most important. You can find these vitamins in most grocery stores and drugstores.
Apply soothing calamine lotion. This is particularly effective for insect bites. St. John's wort or witch hazel lotion soothe, and because they are moisturizing, help repair the skin. Apply these lotions as you would regular body lotion.
Rinse off an insect bite with water and clean it with an antiseptic cream. To soothe the itch, rinse with cold water, apply ice as directed in Step 2 or use a paste made from two parts salt to one part water. Wetting the bite with cold water, and then rubbing the broken edge of an aspirin tablet on the skin will reduce inflammation.
Avoid irritation. If your itch is caused by dermatitis, stay away from wool, avoid soap and harsh cleansing lotions, shower as rarely as possible and in cool or lukewarm water, and avoid irritants and allergens.