Can Mange Be Passed to Humans?
Mange is a skin disorder that can be caused by several different types of mites. Scabies, the mite that causes the most common type of mange, can be spread to humans.-
Scabies may cause itchy skin, a rash or skin sores. The sores are the result of the mite burrowing under the skin. These symptoms most often appear between the fingers, on the palm side of wrists, outside of armpits and elbows, the waistline, buttocks, breast area and on the genitals.
Scabies is treated with prescription creams that are applied to the entire body. The cream is left on the skin for eight to 10 hours and then washed off. The treatment usually takes one to three days.
Over The Counter Medication
Over-the-counter medications cannot eliminate scabies, but may provide symptomatic relief. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may help reduce itching. Corticosteroids may change the appearance of skin sores and should only be used after a diagnosis is made by a doctor.