Tips to Stop Itching
Apply Moisturizer for Dry Skin
Skin can dry out due to several factors, including frequent washing or bathing and changes in the weather. Use moisturizer as the first step in relieving your itching if you have dry skin because well-moisturized skin is not as susceptible to it. Keep itchy areas free from sweat, and powder areas that chafe. Chafing irritates the skin and may result in itching. Take vitamins A and E as antioxidants that aid in itch relief. Applying cornstarch, primrose oil and avocado oil is another method by which to relieve itchy, dry skin. If none of these methods work, seek help from a doctor.
Numb Hives
Hives are itchy, red bumps caused by an allergic reaction, infection, autoimmune disease or stress. Applying anti-itch cream, ice or a paste made of cool water and tarter cream are good ways to combat hives. A cool bath, especially with oatmeal added, may alleviate your itching. If the reaction is from an allergy, taking an antihistamine will help the hives to go away. Stress should also be avoided and may be alleviated by drinking herbal tea.
Ice and More for Any Type of Itch
In all cases, icing the affected area can alleviate your discomfort. Cold temperatures cause nerve endings to become constricted, lessening the sensation of itching. Many ointments and creams are available that aid in relieving itching. Most of these contain substances, such as phenol diphenhydramine and camphor, that are known to combat itching. Medications containing hydrocortisone are also often extremely helpful. Soap may be rubbed over the affected area, resulting in temporary relief. In the case of insect bites, rubbing alcohol or ammonia on the bite and then covering it with tape can provide some relief. Toothpaste, nail polish, honey, tea and lemon juice are other substances that may be applied to the skin to alleviate itching.