How to Remove Verrucas With Duct Tape
Things You'll Need
- Warm water
- Towel
- Large bowl
- Fingernail file
- Plastic tongue scraper
- Pumice stone
Clean the area surrounding the verruca with warm water, then towel-dry. Cover the wart completely with a piece of duct tape and leave it on the wart for six days, including nights. Replace with a new piece of tape after showering or if it falls off. Remove the tape after six days. The size of the piece of tape depends on the size of the wart.
Fill a large bowl, big enough to hold your foot, with warm water. Place your foot in the bowl and allow it to soak for 15 to 20 minutes, then towel-dry. Soaking the foot will soften the skin surround the verruca and make it easier to remove.
Scrape the verruca gently with a fingernail file to remove dead skin cells on the surface. You can also use a plastic tongue scraper or a pumice stone to scrub off the dead cells. Don't overscrape because this can cause it to bleed. Rinse your foot under warm water to ensure all dead cells are removed, then towel-dry.
Allow the verruca to remain uncovered overnight, then cover it with a new strip of duct tape the following morning to begin the process again. This process can be repeated for up to two months and can help remove or decrease the size of the verruca.