How to Make Finding a Vein Easy
Things You'll Need
- Tourniquet
- Wash cloth
- Accuvein Machine (if available)
- Needle
- Gloves
- Alcohol swipes
Tie a tourniquet on the top of the forearm. It should be tight enough to make a slight indention in the skin, but not too tight where it cuts off the circulation. If veins still do not become visible, release the tourniquet on the top of the arm, and redo it on the forearm. If you do use a tourniquet, do not leave it on for more than a minute.
Take a warm, damp cloth and swab the vein area. Warmth will help circulation increase and make veins more prominent.
Use a machine like an Acuvein that will illuminate veins under the skin by shining light on an area of skin.
Increase fluid intake before you go in to have blood drawn. Being dehydrated will decrease your blood flow and make finding a vein difficult. Avoid sugary drinks, drink water, Gatorade or Pedialyte.