Fungal Toenail
According to the website, symptoms of a fungal toenail include nails that are thick, brittle, crumbly or ragged. Nails may be distorted in shape, dull or dark in color. Infected nails may separate from the nail bed, be painful or have a slightly foul odor.
Fungi are microscopic organisms that live in moist, warm environments like showers and swimming pools. Fungi can enter the skin through tiny cuts or through a separation between the nail and nail bed. The fungi will continue to grow and spread with repeated exposure to moisture and warmth.
Fungal toenail is difficult to treat, according to the, and it is common to have recurring infections. Treatment options by a physician include prescription oral antifungal medications, antifungal nail polish, topical antifungal creams or surgery for severe infections. Home treatments include over the counter fungal cream, soaking feet in vinegar or applying Vicks VapoRub.