What Causes a Ringworm Skin Rash?
The skin fungi causing ringworm is called Trichophyton. Skin fungi live on human skin, hair or nails. They like warm, moist places and are usually found in between the toes, on the feet (called athlete's foot), or in the groin area (jock itch), although ringworm can show up anywhere on the body, arms, legs, scalp and even the mouth and vagina.
Ringworm shows up as a rash on whatever part of the body it has infected. On the body, the rash will have edges that are moist and crusted or red and scaly. The center of the rash may be clear, giving it a ring-shaped appearance. On the face, ringworm's edges might not be as distinct as that on the body, and the rash may worsen in sunlight. On the groin, the rash could show up on the inner thighs, skin folds or on the buttocks. Edges will be very distinct, and it may have small bumps like blisters. The center will be red-brown. (People often give themselves jock itch from contact with their athlete's foot infection.) Ringworm on the hand might be confused with eczema or psoriasis. All rashes will be very itchy and may burn.
If you notice a ring-shaped rash on your body, start treating it with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams such as Desenex or Lotrimin. If the rash does not diminish or go away, consult your doctor, who will look under a microscope at a scraping of the rash to diagnose it.
Keep your skin clean, dry and fresh. Wash your hair and body after any sports activity, and wash sports clothes as well. Avoid contact with other people who have ringworm infections. Wear slippers or sandals in locker rooms and public showers. Change your socks and underwear once a day. Don't take up wrestling.
Medical Treatments
Try the anti-fungal creams at home first. If the rash is left untreated, it may blister and crack and bacteria could invade the skin. At that point, antibiotics will be needed to clear up the infection.
Herbal/Home Remedies
Tea tree oil and thyme oil can both combat fungi. Add a few drops of oil to ¼ tsp. of olive oil and apply to the rash. Add powdered goldenseal root to a bit of water and pat the moist herb over the rash.