Tips for Soft Lips
Drinking water keeps lips soft by helping skin cells maintain a good level of hydration. Dry lips, just like dry skin, occur when an individual is dehydrated. Sixty percent of the human body is composed of water, and it is responsible for functions that include removing toxins from vital organs and transferring nutrients to cells. Drinking about eight cups of eight ounces of water a day will keep the skin cells from dehydrating.
Lip Balm
Lip balm seals in the lips' moisture and protects them from damaging elements in the environment. The base of the lip balm should be an ingredient such as petroleum or beeswax. The base is the element in lip balm that seals in moisture. Emollients like aloe or lanolin are added to the lip balm to soften lips. The additional vitamins and nutrients in lip balm work to regenerate damaged tissue. Some balms also protect lips from the sun with an ingredient with at least SPF 15.
Lip Exfoliation
When dryness causes the top layer of skin on the lips to peel, lip exfoliation can remove the damaged skin and reveal the new and softer layer of skin beneath it. The simplest method of lip exfoliation is gently rubbing a moist washcloth across the lips. Multifunctional commercial lip exfoliation scrubs also are available, with ingredients that can moisturize, reduce signs of aging and exfoliate.
Aloe Vera
The gel in an aloe vera plant is a natural moisturizer. It attracts moisture from the environment by gathering any water vapors in the air. If aloe is applied directly to the lips, its ability to attract moisture will maintain lip softness.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
The skin on an individual's lips is similar to skin elsewhere on the body when it comes to reflecting the body's overall health. Foods that are rich in nutrients, such as fruit and vegetables, may improve the condition and appearance of the lips. Foods or supplements that contain vitamins B and E are especially helpful in achieving soft lips.