How to Moisturize Extremely Dry Skin

Extremely dry skin looks dry and often feels tight and uncomfortable. Very dry skin is often chapped, scaly and itchy in different areas of the body. External conditions such as wind, hot or cold temperatures or even air conditioning can contribute to very dry skin. Reducing external irritants to the skin and moisturizing are the best ways to relieve the condition. Internal changes such as drinking more water and eating healthfully also increase skin moisture.

Things You'll Need

  • Moisturizers
  • Humidifier (optional)
  • Natural fiber clothing (optional)
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  1. Methods to Moisturize Extremely Dry Skin

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      Apply moisturizers. Even for very dry skin, start with the basics. Moisturizers work by sealing your skin so that water cannot evaporate as easily. Oil-based moisturizers stay on the skin longer. Apply moisturizers after bathing. Lightly dry the skin after bathing and apply the moisturizer while the skin is still damp. This will hold the water on the surface of the skin for a longer period of time. According to the Mayo Clinic, use moisturizers that contain lactic acid and urea.

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      Bathe in warm instead of hot water, for no longer than 15 minutes. Long, hot baths and showers remove the oils from your skin. Also, use mild cleansing creams instead of soaps. Ingredients in soap are often drying and may include harsh chemicals. If you use a soap, select mild soaps made with oils or fats.

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      Use perfume- and dye-free laundry detergent. Do not use strong laundry detergents, as the residue can irritate and further dry the skin. Wear natural fiber clothing such as that made with cotton, hemp, bamboo or silk.

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      Run a humidifier. Air inside a home can be dry and remove moisture from your skin. A humidifier is a device that adds moisture back into the air. Additional moisture should help relieve dry, itchy skin.

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      Eat healthfully and drink water. According to Holistic Online, you should drink two quarts of water a day. Eat a combination of healthful foods such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits and grains. Increase the amount of raw vegetables you eat to gain the full vitamin benefits. Add foods such as eggs, onions, asparagus and garlic to your diet. The sulfur content in these foods increases skin's smoothness. Limit caffeine and alcohol, as they remove moisture from the body, and avoid refined sugar.

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      Consult a dermatologist for extremely dry skin. When your skin is very dry, more serious skin diseases such as ichthyosis, psoriasis or dermatitis may be the cause. Without treatment, your skin may become infected. The doctor may prescribe creams and ointments, steroids or even antihistamines in addition to the moisturizing regimen you perform to combat extreme dryness.

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