How do you heal long term sunburn I got sunburned badly on my nose multiple times about 3 months ago because wear sunscreen. What can put that will take away discoloration?
- Hydrocortisone cream: Use 1% hydrocortisone cream three times a day. Hydrocortisone can help reduce inflammation and itching.
- Zinc oxide cream: Using zinc oxide cream can create a block against the sun.
- Calamine lotion: Calamine lotion can help to relieve itching and burning sensations caused by sunburn.
- Petroleum jelly: Petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, can help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent further irritation.
- Tea Tree oil: Tea Tree oil has anti-inflammator.y properties that help reduce swelling.
- Drink water: Staying hydrated can aid the skins healing process.
- Avoid direct sunlight: Try to keep your nose out of the sun as much as possible. Use a hat or scarf to cover it when you're outdoors.