How to Make a Linea Nigra Lighter

Pregnancy changes the body in a number of ways, from shape to skin tone. For many women a thin line forms, extending from the pubic bone to the naval, and sometimes to just under the rib cage. This is known as the linea nigra and it usually forms sometime in the second trimester. While it will naturally lighten over time, some linea nigras take longer to fade than others. You can employ simple methods to accelerate the fading process both while pregnant and postpartum.


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      Rub unrefined cocoa butter on the linea nigra when still pregnant and after giving birth. While most drug stores sell this product in some form, unrefined cocoa butter is much more effective and can be found in natural health food stores. Many women also use cocoa butter to lighten stretch marks.

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      Open a vitamin E gel cap and rub the liquid from the caplet on your belly. Vitamin E is available in most drug and health stores and is essential for healthy skin. It can be taken orally as well to improve your overall skin tone. Consult the bottle to see how many caplets are safe to use per day.

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      Rub extrapone nutgrass extract on the linea nigra. This natural product reacts with melanin, the chemical that darkens skin. It has been used to fade age spots and some women have used it to lighten their linea nigra. Like cocoa butter, it can also be used to fade stretch marks.

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