Canine Hematoma & Hamamelis
Witch hazel is a large shrub -- or small tree, depending on who you ask. It grows to about 20 feet in height in the Americas and has been used for centuries to make medicinal preparations. The leaves and bark are boiled, then distilled. In modern preparations, alcohol is added to the extract to provide additional disinfectant properties. The extract itself acts as an astringent -- that is, it causes tissues to contract, sometimes reversing the effect of inflammation. It is this property that led people to use it with canine hematomas.
Hamamelis is sometimes used in conjunction with another herbal remedy, arnica. Arnica is a member of the sunflower family, and the flowers yield an extract that is also applied topically to reduce inflammation. One method for treating canine aural hematoma is to apply arnica for three days, then switch to witch hazel for two weeks. Never give either orally -- these are topical solutions only.
Hematoma is frequently the result of an ear infection, which will be apparent if the owner smells the inside of the ear and detects a foul odor. The dog can receive antibiotics from the veterinarian for the infection and the vet can treat the hematoma by lancing or surgical excision. Witch hazel can then be applied to the treated ear to prevent re-infection and reduce swelling. Witch hazel without alcohol does not burn like alcohol or iodine so the dog may tolerate it better. Soak a cloth in witch hazel and gently clean the inside of the ear flap and the opening of the ear.
Additional Benefit
Witch hazel may not cause the hematoma to disappear through natural reabsopbtion, though most hematomas disappear without treatment if the underlying cause is eliminated and the dog stops scratching. However, witch hazel (without alcohol) has a cooling effect on the skin, in addition to its astringent properties, that will soothe the tissues and make the dog less likely to scratch and reinjure the ear flap. Putting the dog in an Elizabethan collar will prevent it from scratching until the hematoma can be reabsorbed.