How to Know When a Tattoo Hasn't Healed Right

A tattoo involves injecting pigments into the top layer of the skin using sharp needles. Because these punctures pierce the skin, the skin bleeds in response and it must heal. By following the aftercare advice of your tattoo professional, you can help to ensure that your tattoo heals properly. Watch a tattoo carefully to know when a tattoo hasn't healed right, seeking medical help if necessary.


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      Watch the healing process to ensure that it follows general expectations. Normally, a tattoo scabs over and the scab should flake off by about one to two weeks after the procedure.

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      Check the tattoo daily for signs of infection. If you notice swelling, redness, warmth on the skin, drainage and pain, the tattoo may be developing an infection. Call your tattoo professional for advice and consider seeing a physician.

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      Monitor the tattoo for other problems that may occur. Bumps developing beneath the skin surface (granulomas or lichenoids), sores, peeling, raised and puffy keloid scars and swelling of the tattoo site can indicate a reaction or a problem with the tattoo.

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      See a physician if you notice a problem with a tattoo. Issues, such as delayed hypersensitivity to the tattoo dye, can occur even years after having a tattoo. Red tattoo dye can be especially problematic. Some reactions may require tattoo removal to resolve the problem.

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