Home Treatment for Razor Burn
Home Treatment
If you are suffering from razor burn, apply cream or gel that contains aloe vera to the problem areas. The aloe vera will soothe your skin as your pores unclog naturally. If your skin is irritated, do not shave over it until it is healed. Shaving over skin with razor burn will just make it worse. In most cases, razor burn will resolve on its own in a day or two with no treatment needed. If it persists, see your doctor or dermatologist.
Pre-shaving skin care can help prevent razor burn. Cleaning your skin with a wash that contains salicylic acid will strip away dirt that can clog pores and lead to razor burn. Rather than opt for a fancy shaving gel, old-fashioned shaving cream is more effective for people who suffer from razor burn. Shaving cream helps lubricate the skin and helps the hairs stand up to prevent the clogging of pores.
How you shave can help prevent razor burn from appearing soon after. The newer your razor, the less likely you will develop razor burn. Cleaning your old razor with rubbing alcohol will cut down the risk of clogged pores. When shaving, always shave in the direction the hair grows. Shaving in the opposite direction is an invitation for razor blade. Do not push down hard with the razor. Shave lightly to prevent razor burn.
After Shaving
When you finish shaving, the application of aloe vera to your face will help stop razor burn and keep your skin from drying out. The application of ice on areas where you typically get razor burn will also prevent it. Do not use aftershaves that include a perfumed fragrance. The fragrance will only irritate your skin. Finally, clean all dead skin and hair from your razor and dry it properly before putting it away.