How to Remove Pus From the Armpit
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Hot compress
- Rubbing alcohol
- Cotton ball
- Antibiotics
Wash the underarm with a mixture of soap and warm water to remove any leaking pus and clean out any oil, dirt or debris. This makes the pus or sore simpler to treat.
Apply a hot compress to the pus-filled area. If the infection is being caused by a clogged pore or hair follicle, the heat in the compress can clear the clog and alleviate pressure, which will help get rid of the pus that is building up. One advantage of the pus being under the arm is, it is simple for you to reach and to examine without assistance.
Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and dab at the pus-filled area. This will likely sting, but the alcohol helps to kill off the infection and will get rid of pus as a result.
See your doctor, if the pus is not going away. If the pus is brought about by a severe bacterial infection, you'll need antibiotics to get rid of it. Follow all instructions for maximum effectiveness.