What can you do to protect yourself from eczema?
2. Avoid triggers. Certain things can trigger eczema outbreaks in some people. Common triggers include:
* Dust mites
* Pet dander
* Pollen
* Mold
* Certain foods (such as dairy products, wheat, and eggs)
* Stress
* Soaps and detergents
* Fragrances
* Harsh chemicals
3. Wear gloves when doing household chores. Some household cleaning products can irritate your skin and trigger an eczema flare-up. Wear gloves to protect your hands when doing chores like washing dishes, scrubbing the toilet, or using harsh chemicals.
4. Take a lukewarm bath or shower. Hot water can dry out your skin and worsen eczema. Take a lukewarm bath or shower instead. Use a gentle cleanser and avoid harsh soaps and scrubs.
5. Avoid scratching. Scratching can damage your skin and make eczema worse. If you feel the urge to scratch, try pressing or rubbing the area instead. You can also use a cool compress to help relieve the itching.
6. See a dermatologist. If your eczema is severe or doesn't improve with home treatment, see a dermatologist. They can prescribe medication to help control your eczema.