Why I wear nail polish when going under sedation?
1. Pulse Oximetry: Pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method used to monitor oxygen saturation levels. A device called a pulse oximeter is attached to your finger or earlobe, and it emits light to measure the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Nail polish, particularly dark or opaque shades, can interfere with the accuracy of the pulse oximeter readings by absorbing or reflecting light. By applying a light-colored nail polish or removing it altogether, the medical team can ensure reliable pulse oximetry monitoring during sedation.
2. Nailbed Capillaries: Observing capillary refill time is another way to assess your circulation and oxygenation. Capillary refill time refers to the time it takes for the nailbed to return to its normal color after gentle pressure is applied and released. Nail polish can make it more challenging for medical professionals to accurately assess capillary refill time, especially in darker skin tones. By removing or using a clear nail polish, they can better evaluate this important vital sign.
3. Identification: In certain situations, healthcare facilities may use nail polish as a form of patient identification. By applying a specific color or pattern of nail polish, they can easily identify you and match your medical records, especially in instances where multiple patients are undergoing sedation or medical procedures.
4. Standardization: Some healthcare institutions may have policies that require patients to remove or wear a certain type of nail polish during sedation to maintain consistency in patient care and minimize the risk of misinterpretation or errors.
5. Hygiene: Removing nail polish before sedation can also contribute to overall hygiene and infection control protocols. By ensuring clean and bare nails, the risk of harboring bacteria or pathogens on the nail surface is minimized.
It's important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare team regarding nail polish and other aspects of your pre-sedation preparation to ensure your safety and receive accurate monitoring during the procedure.