What is before and post nursing responsibilities for skin biopsy?

Preoperative Nursing Responsibilities for Skin Biopsy

* Obtain a signed informed consent from the patient.

* Expalin the procedure to the patient and answer any questions they may have.

* Assess the patient's medical history, current medications, and allergies.

* Review the patient's skin for any signs of infection or inflammation.

* Prepare the biopsy site by cleaning it with an antiseptic solution.

* Administer a local anesthetic to numb the biopsy site.

Postoperative Nursing Responsibilities for Skin Biopsy

* Apply a bandage to the biopsy site and instruct the patient to keep it dry.

* Provide the patient with pain medication as needed.

* Monitor the biopsy site for any signs of infection or bleeding.

* Educate the patient on signs of infection and symptoms to watch out for.

* Schedule a follow-up appointment with the doctor to review the biopsy results.

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