How do you get wax out of a terry towel?
1. Preparation:
- Put on protective gloves to prevent wax from sticking to your hands.
- Lay the towel flat on a work surface, with the wax stain facing up.
2. Paper Towel Method:
- Place a stack of paper towels or a clean, absorbent cloth underneath the wax stain.
- Press down firmly on the wax area to transfer as much wax as possible to the paper towels or cloth.
- Repeat this step until most of the wax is absorbed.
3. Ironing Method:
- Place a layer of clean paper towels on top of the wax stain.
- Set your iron to the highest setting that is safe for the towel fabric.
- Gently press the iron on top of the paper towel, being careful not to touch the iron directly to the towel.
- The heat from the iron should help to melt the wax and transfer it to the paper towel.
- Continue ironing until no more wax is visible on the towel.
4. Dishwashing Liquid:
- Apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid directly to the remaining wax stain.
- Use a soft cloth or brush to gently work the dishwashing liquid into the wax stain.
- Allow the dishwashing liquid to sit for a few minutes.
5. Laundering:
- Wash the towel according to the care instructions on the label.
- Use the hottest water setting recommended for the fabric.
- Add a regular amount of laundry detergent and run the washing machine cycle.
6. Drying:
- Dry the towel according to the care instructions on the label.
- If necessary, repeat the ironing or dishwashing liquid steps to remove any remaining wax before drying the towel.
Remember to always check the care instructions for the towel before using any cleaning methods to avoid damaging the fabric. If the wax stain persists, it may be necessary to take the towel to a professional dry cleaner.