What do you for a bad sunburn?
1. Cool Down
- Move to a cool location, possibly go indoors
- Take a cool shower or bath
- Apply cold compresses to the burned areas for comfort
2. Hydrate
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol as these can worsen dehydration
3. Treat Blister Carefully
- Avoid breaking your blisters as they are part of the healing process
- Keep them clean to avoid infection
- If a blister bursts on it own cover it with a bandage
4. Apply moisturizer
- Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to keep the burned area hydrated
- Avoid aloe and petroleum jelly as they may trap heat
5. Over-the-Counter pain relief
- Consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve discomfort
6. Avoid Sun Exposure
- Stay out of the sun or seek shade while your skin is healing
- Wear sunscreen and protective clothing if sun exposure is unavoidable.
7. Consider Calamine Lotion
- Calamine lotion can provide itch relief and soothe skin
8. Avoid harsh soaps and scrubbing
- Gently clean your skin with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm wate.
9. Protect from infection
- Keep your hands clean to avoid introduction of bacteria.
When to see a doctor
- If the sunburn is causing severe pain or blisters
- If you develop fever, chills or any other sign of infection
- If the sunburn is widespread, especially over 20% of your body
- If your eyes are affected by sunburn.
Prevention tips
- Always wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours and after swimming or sweating
- Wear sun-protective clothing and sunglasses
- Seek shade during peak sun hours between 10 am to 4 pm.
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