What to use on pillows with lice?
1. Washing:
- Machine wash your pillowcases and any pillow protectors you use in the hottest water setting appropriate for the fabric. Wash for at least 30 minutes.
2. Drying:
- Dry the pillowcases and protectors on high heat for at least 30 minutes to kill any remaining lice and nits.
3. Pillows:
- While it's not recommended to wash pillows themselves, you can treat them with a lice-killing spray or powder insecticide labeled specifically for use on bedding. Always follow the product instructions.
4. Vacuuming:
- Thoroughly vacuum your pillows and the surrounding areas, including the mattress, bed frame, and headboard. Pay attention to any crevices where lice or nits may hide.
5. Sealing Pillows:
- Consider placing pillows in airtight bags for at least 72 hours to suffocate any remaining lice and nits.
6. Bedding Change:
- Change pillowcases and bed linens regularly, especially during a lice infestation. Use fresh, clean bedding after treatment.
7. Personal Items:
- Avoid sharing pillows, brushes, hats, and other personal items with others, especially during an infestation.
8. Environmental Treatment:
- Regularly clean and disinfect your home, focusing on common areas like bedrooms and living rooms. Pay attention to surfaces that the person with lice may have come into contact with.
9. Monitor and Repeat:
- Monitor for signs of lice or nits for at least two weeks after treatment. Repeat the process if needed.
Remember, lice are contagious, and it's essential to treat all affected individuals and objects in the household to prevent re-infestation. If the lice infestation persists, consult a healthcare professional or a pest control service for further guidance and treatment options.