Most Effective Treatment for Spider Veins
Sclerotherapy involves injecting a chemical into the spider vein area to destroy the lining of the vein, thus removing the cells that cause the small lines. The veins take a few months to fade completely, but the American Academy of Dermatology states that sclerotherapy has an 80 to 90 percent success rate.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment is a common method of spider vein removal, and uses laser light to immediately dissolve the capillaries causing the lines. There are minimal side effects, and the results are instantaneous. Anyone seeking laser treatment should ensure that it is covered by their insurance; as spider-vein treatment is purely a cosmetic procedure, many insurance companies will not cover it as standard.
Vitamin Treatment
For those who do not like the idea of chemical or laser treatment, there are a number of vitamins that boost skin health and can help to get rid of spider veins. Vitamins A, B, C E and K are all useful in treating this condition, and are available in either a pill or cream format. The results take longer to see, but there are minimal side effects.
Parsley can even be used to treat spider veins. Chop a handful of parsley and boil in water for five minutes. Strain and add a drop of rose and marigold essential oils, which help to treat spider veins and improve skin condition. Let the infusion cool and apply to the affected area over a period of months.