How to Know if Your Tattoo Is Healed Up
Verify that two weeks have passed since the date you got your tattoo. Many tattoos take up to two weeks to heal. Larger tattoos with more colors, or tattoos on the hands and feet, can take as much as a month to completely heal.
Look for any scabs or dried skin on or around the tattoo. These indicate that your tattoo is healing, but has not completed the process. Do not pick at scabs, as this could damage your tattoo and cause scarring.
If any loose flakes of skin hang off of your tattoo, the Art of Tattoo suggests brushing your fingertips lightly over the tattoo. If the skin does not fall off after a few fingertip brushes, do not pull at the skin. Instead, apply a small amount of healing antiseptic ointment.
Check to see if your tattoo itches. Itching is a sign that your tattoo is continuing to heal. If your tattoo itches, apply unscented lotion.