Sulfur Cream Uses
Acne Treatment and Prevention
Sulfur can act as an acne treatment and prevention. Applying the medication directly to the blemish can help dry out the infection, clear the pores and rid the area of excess oil. Regular sulfur use works to keep oil maintained and promotes quick cell turnover by constantly drying out and shedding dead skin cells, which can clog pores and cause acne. Sulfur creams can cause mild to severe redness and irritation, and even slight burning if applied directly to erupted acne.
Treating Rosacea
Rosacea, also known as adult acne according to DERMAdoctor, can take the form of severe redness, all types of acne, oiliness, sensitivity and other irritations. A variety of rosacea sulfur cream treatments work to either unclog pores, lessen keratotic or raised skin conditions due to skin overgrowth, or lessen inflammation and other irritation. Some rosacea sulfur cream treatments are more intense than others, and have side effects of thinning the skin, increased redness and flaky skin. Individuals with rosacea should see a physician before beginning a sulfur cream regimen to receive individualized treatment recommendations.
Treating Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic Dermatitis, typically located on the scalp and other oily areas of the skin, can be treated with a sulfur cream regimen recommended by your doctor. Sulfur cream treats this skin condition by reducing symptoms such as itchy, sore and discolored scaling and flaking skin. Excess oil can also be reduced with the regular use of sulfur cream, as it can dry out and maintain healthy oil levels the affected area.
Curing Scabies
According to Medicine Net, sulfur cream is one of the earliest recognized cures for scabies, an irritating and contagious skin condition caused by itch parasites. Sulfur cream can treat the unsightly infection with regular use in a dosage recommended by your doctor or pharmacist, and is safe for anyone, including pregnant women and infants. Scabies can affect anyone exposed to the parasite or who has been in direct contact with an infected individual.