How to Soothe a Heat Rash
Things You'll Need
- Fan
- Cool water
- Non-scented soap
- Dusting powder
- Lightweight clothing
- Topical steroids
Find a cooler environment. Remove yourself from the heat and seek shelter indoors. Cool your skin down by sitting in a room with a fan or air conditioning.
Alleviate your skin. Take a cool shower. Avoid using soaps with scents and dyes, which can further irritate your rash. Allow your body to dry naturally. Alternatively, use cold compresses on affected areas of your body.
Dusting powder can alleviate discomfort. Keep your body as dry as possible. Use dusting powder, suggests the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dusting powder can help wick away moisture.
Wear clothes that won't aggravate your rash. Wear lightweight clothing. Heavier fitting clothes, such as jeans, can promote sweating during hot weather. Ensure that your clothes fit loosely, instead of snugly against your skin.
Seek assistance from your doctor if your rash is severe and no other options help. Topical steroid ointments can offer relief and prevent complications, indicates the Mayo Clinic website.