How to Treat Existing Pimples
Clean the affected area twice daily with a gentle soap. Look for terms like"oil-free" and "non-comedogenic" on the label. These words indicate that the soap is free of excess fragrance and other additives that can actually increase breakouts. The goal for cleaning your skin is to do so without causing irritation. Avoid using washcloths or facial puffs when washing, and use only your hands to spread and then rinse the soap. Gently pat your skin dry after each washing.
Purchase an over-the-counter acne medicine that contains the ingredient benzoyl peroxide. It is a matter of personal preference whether you choose a gel, lotion or cream. Benzoyl peroxide contains an agent that dries out and kills the bacteria that cause pimples.The downside is that it can also dry out the surrounding skin and cause excessive dryness and redness. Be sure to follow package instructions thoroughly to minimize negative effects.
Enlist the help of a dermatologist. If your skin breakouts do not respond satisfactorily to over-the-counter methods, a dermatologist can provide you with alternatives available only through prescription. These include oral antibiotics and pharmaceutical-strength creams and treatments, the use of which needs to be supervised by a doctor.