Homeopathic Treatments for Corns on My Feet
Herb Treatments
Use licorice to treat corns by grinding three or four licorice sticks and mixing with 1/2 tsp. of sesame or mustard seed oil to make a paste. Rub the paste onto affected areas at bedtime, which will decrease the size of the corns over time as well as soften them. The herb Indian squill, also called Urginea indica, may be used by roasting a bulb and applying to corns with bandages. Use as a nighttime treatment and remove the following morning.
Fruit Treatments
Raw papaya may be used to treat corns as its juice works as an irritant. Apply 1/2 tsp. of raw papaya juice three times a day to affected areas. Lemon also works as a corn treatment; try tying a fresh slice of lemon over corns at bedtime and remove the following morning. Green figs are another fruit used to remove corns. Use the milky juice of the figs to soften corns by extracting 1/2 tsp. of the juice from the figs and applying it to corns two or three times a day. Apple cider vinegar may also be used. Soak small cotton or wool balls in raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar and place over corns. Do this daily until the corn dries up.
Natural oils are another method of corn removal and can be applied as many times a day as necessary. Try applying oils at bedtime and use thick socks. Oils that can be used include olive oil, castor oil, wheat germ oil and sesame seed oil.
Abrasive Substances
Numerous abrasive substances may be utilized in the removal of corn. Create a baking soda foot soak by adding 1 tbsp. to a small foot bath or basin filled with warm water. Relax and let your feet soak for at least a half hour. Another baking soda remedy is to mix 1 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of Epsom salts. Use 3 tbsp. of this soak per gallon of hot-as-you-can-stand water and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Use a pumice stone on the corns post soak. Also try walking through wet sand while visiting the beach to slough corns from the feet.