How to Soothe Itchiness
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Oatmeal
- Compress
- Hydro-cortisone cream
- Calamine
- Moisturizing cream
- Petroleum jelly
- Oral antihistamine
- Flax seed or fish oil tablets
Sprinkle baking soda or uncooked oatmeal into a cool bath. Soak for at least 15 minutes. Oatmeal fights inflammation and redness; to maximize its efficiency, put it through a coffee grinder before adding it to the bath.
Apply a cool, wet compress to the itchy area. Hold the compress against your skin or attach a dressing that will hold the compress in place. A dressing will both reduce the itchiness and keep you from scratching.
Apply a topical lotion or itch-relieving cream. Try a non-prescription hydro-cortisone cream containing at least 1 percent hydro cortisone. For a minor skin itch caused by poison ivy and poison oak, try calamine cream, ointment or lotion.
Apply moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly to the itchy area. Use a high-quality cream at least once daily, concentrating on areas that are particularly dry or itchy. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a recommendation if you are unsure of which brand to use.
Take an oral antihistamine. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, sold under various brand names, can help to relieve severe itch.
Take steps to avoid dry skin and skin irritation. Flax seed or fish oil can help maintain skin moisture; try adding these foods to your diet. Use mild soaps and unscented laundry detergent to avoid skin irritants; wear cotton clothing. Shower after swimming in a pool to remove chlorine from the skin; wear non-latex rubber gloves when using cleaning products; use a hand sanitizer that contains a moisturizer to counteract drying effects. Stop yourself from scratching by covering the itchy area, trimming your fingernails and wearing gloves when you sleep.