How to Soothe Itchiness

Itchy skin can have many cause and can get worse if you scratch. The Mayo Clinic recommends seeking a doctor's help if the itchiness lasts for two weeks and home remedies are unsuccessful; if the itchiness affects your whole body; is severe; or can't be easily explained or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, fatigue, urinary frequency and redness of the skin. You can try to soothe itchiness by using a few simple techniques at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Oatmeal
  • Compress
  • Hydro-cortisone cream
  • Calamine
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Oral antihistamine
  • Flax seed or fish oil tablets
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      Sprinkle baking soda or uncooked oatmeal into a cool bath. Soak for at least 15 minutes. Oatmeal fights inflammation and redness; to maximize its efficiency, put it through a coffee grinder before adding it to the bath.

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      Apply a cool, wet compress to the itchy area. Hold the compress against your skin or attach a dressing that will hold the compress in place. A dressing will both reduce the itchiness and keep you from scratching.

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      Apply a topical lotion or itch-relieving cream. Try a non-prescription hydro-cortisone cream containing at least 1 percent hydro cortisone. For a minor skin itch caused by poison ivy and poison oak, try calamine cream, ointment or lotion.

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      Apply moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly to the itchy area. Use a high-quality cream at least once daily, concentrating on areas that are particularly dry or itchy. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a recommendation if you are unsure of which brand to use.

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      Take an oral antihistamine. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, sold under various brand names, can help to relieve severe itch.

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      Take steps to avoid dry skin and skin irritation. Flax seed or fish oil can help maintain skin moisture; try adding these foods to your diet. Use mild soaps and unscented laundry detergent to avoid skin irritants; wear cotton clothing. Shower after swimming in a pool to remove chlorine from the skin; wear non-latex rubber gloves when using cleaning products; use a hand sanitizer that contains a moisturizer to counteract drying effects. Stop yourself from scratching by covering the itchy area, trimming your fingernails and wearing gloves when you sleep.

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