Cold Sore Treatments That Work Fast
Anti-Viral Cold Sore Creams
These medications can help speed up the process of recovery if you use them as soon as you feel like a cold sore is appearing. This will usually begin with a tingling sensation on or around the lip as the herpes virus spreads and replicates itself on the surface of your skin. Apply the cream to the affected area up to four or five times a day, making sure you wash your hands immediately before and afterwards to prevent further spreading. These creams normally contain aciclovir or pencicolovir, according to NHS Choices, and they are widely available in pharmacies without the need for a prescription.
Anti-Viral Cold Sore Patches
Cold sore patches are also an anti-viral treatment containing hydrocolloid. The patch is usually skin colored and conceals the cold sore entirely while it heals, aiding a speedy recovery while also acting as a cover-up of the cold sore itself.
Non Anti-Viral Cold Sore Creams
Non anti-viral creams help to ease irritation, redness or dryness of the cold sore. These creams are not designed to speed up recovery of a cold sore but rather provide an immediate reduction in uncomfortable symptoms. This means they can be applied throughout the occurrence of a cold sore as opposed to just at the beginning, providing speedy relief at any time you need it. Non anti-viral creams can be bought at a pharmacy without prescription.
Cold sores can be painful especially if they are quite severe or have spread beyond the initial site of infection. Taking a painkilling drug such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, both of which are available at pharmacies without prescription, will provide fast relief from discomfort in the affected area while also making eating, drinking and brushing your teeth less uncomfortable.