What Are the Causes of Milia in Adults?
Dead Skin Cells
A buildup of dead skin cells is one cause of milia. This buildup most often occurs when the face is not washed on a regular basis. Every day, the skin sheds thousands of dead skin cells. If these dead cells are not washed off the skin, they become trapped in pores and cavities around the mouth or at the surface of the skin, thus clogging pores and creating milia cysts.
Cosmetics and Moisturizers
Oily moisturizers and oil-based cosmetics can also contribute to milia formation, as they can clog pores. This is especially true with oily moisturizers that may be appropriate for the majority of the face, but not for the areas around the eyes, which is a place where milia are likely to form. Makeup and other cosmetic products can also cause milia, making it very important for those who wear makeup to wash it off each day.
Sun Exposure
Another contributing factor to milia is excessive exposure to the sun. When skin is exposed to the sun, it causes it to thicken. Over time, this causes the skin to lose its ability to naturally exfoliate. Dead skin cells, dirt, oil and debris then get trapped in the layers just below the surface, causing milia. This process can compound over time, since thickening of skin also occurs naturally with age. Protecting your skin from the sun will keep it supple and able to exfoliate naturally.
A lack of essential vitamins, especially vitamin A, has been associated with milia formation. In addition, a diet rich in proteins, fats and cholesterol also adds to milia formation. To keep your skin milia free, eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Keep cholesterol-rich foods, such as egg yolks and margarine, to a minimum.