Signs & Symptoms of Welks & Itching
Hives are often allergic reactions to a number of irritants including insect bites, pet dander, pollen, shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs, milk and even medications. When the body is allergic to a certain substance, it releases histamines and other chemicals, causing the small blood vessels to dilate and fluid to leak from them. This causes the skin to swell and itch. Stress on the body, such as emotional stress, extreme cold or heat, medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases and infections such as mononucleosis, can also trigger hive .
Hives are characterized by the formation of welts -- red or skin-colored swelling on the skin with clearly defined edges. They can appear anywhere on the body in splotches as small as a pencil eraser. They may get bigger and spread, joining other welts to form greater areas of raised skin. Welts are usually itchy; the itch often intensifies with scratching. A doctor can ascertain if you have hives by looking at your skin.
Mild cases of hives are not life-threatening and may disappear on their own. The accompanying itch can be uncomfortable and scratching can result in rashes. According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, itchy skin can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments and protected with emollients to allow the skin to rehydrate and heal. Antihistamines such as diphenydramine can be taken to control itch and to prevent the rash from getting worse. Medline Plus also suggests not taking hot baths or showers, as heat can aggravate the itch. Tight-fitting clothes can also aggravate welts, causing more itching.
In some severe cases, hives in the throat may cause the airway to become constricted due to swelling. Symptoms include abnormal breathing sounds, difficulty breathing, wheezing and fainting. This condition is life-threatening and immediate medical attention is necessary. Usually, an emergency shot of epinephrine or steroids is required.
Another complication is anaphylaxis, where the whole body reacts adversely to an allergen. The reaction can happen very quickly and may include difficulty breathing. Immediate medical attention is imperative.