Positive Effects of Ultraviolet Rays
Skin Conditions
Patients with certain skin conditions can benefit from ultraviolet radiation. The World Health Organization states that ultraviolet light is used to treat conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Ultraviolet light therapy involves exposing the affected areas on the skin to ultraviolet rays. A doctor often performs this therapy in a medical setting, following guidelines for the amount of UV radiation that is safe. This kind of light therapy produces a chemical reaction that helps skin cells to function normally.
Mood Elevation
Certain forms of depression such as seasonal affective disorder, SAD, become quite prevalent during the winter months in colder climates. Ultraviolet light stimulates the pineal gland, causing it to produce tryptamine, which help elevate mood. In severe cases of depression, physicians often recommend some sort of light exposure to patients who are suffering from SAD. These include the use of tanning beds in moderation, as well as specialized light therapy boxes.
Vitamin D Production
Ultraviolent radiation is the primary source of vitamin D production within our bodies. Vitamin D promotes the growth of strong bones, helps prevent certain types of cancer and keeps the immune system healthy. Many people do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D due to lack of sunlight exposure. In these cases, it is recommended you increase your sunlight exposure, therefore increasing ultraviolet radiation exposure. In colder climates, most ultraviolet light exposure is acquired during the summer months.
Disinfection and Sterilization
Ultraviolet light is used in the process of sterilization and disinfection. It destroys pathogens by altering their DNA structure instead of killing them. Altering the pathogenic DNA causes the inability for it to proliferate or cause disease, thereby sterilizing it. This method of sterilization has been around for several years and is useful in many different applications. Labs use ultraviolet radiation to kill microorganisms. The food industry and bottled water manufacturers also use UV radiation to destroy microorganisms that contaminate our food and water supply.