How to Attack Blemishes
Things You'll Need
- Mild facial cleansers
- Water
- Over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne medication
- Over-the-counter salicylic acid medication
- Oil-free cosmetics
- Sheet of typing paper
Apply over-the-counter acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide to the skin area that is affected. This is one of the best ways to fight blemishes. The medicines range in strengths from 2.5 to 10 percent.
Rub on an over-the-counter medication containing salicylic acid, which helps skin by preventing the clogging of skin pores. This medication ranges in strengths up to 2 percent. Applying salicylic acid will help with break-outs of whiteheads and blackheads.
Rinse cleansers thoroughly - six to seven times. Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser or soap and rinse thoroughly. After washing, apply a water-base moisturizer, which is oil-free, as this will help in the overproduction of skin oils.
Talk to your physician if taking prescription medications, as certain ones aggravate acne break-outs. Your doctor can change your medicines, and there are some which can actually help treat blemishes.
Examine all your cosmetic, lotion, cream, shampoo, conditioner and sunscreen labels. Change these products to oil-free or water base ingredients. Oil based products result in an overproduction of the skin's natural oils which can lead to more severe blemish outbreaks.
Visit a dermatologist who can perform laser or light therapy. Laser therapy attacks the oil glands, and light therapy targets the bacteria which causes acne breakouts.
Ask your dermatologist about microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Both procedures need to be performed by a physician as they can cause severe redness and blistering.
Ask your dermatologist or physician to prescribe oral or topical acne prescriptions.