The Effects of Picking Your Nose
Everyone was taught as a child to wash their hands before eating, but how many moms taught their kids to also wash their hands before picking their nose. The nose is actually more susceptible to bacteria and virus exposure than the mouth. The reason is because the nose's blood vessels are very near to the surface of your very fragile nasal tissue. Any scratches or injury to that tissue could result in the transmission of germs into your bloodstream.
If you thought pimples on your face were painful and annoying, imagine one inside your nose. Nose pimples, or nasal vestibulitis, is an infection of the area just inside the nasal opening. The infection, resulting from germs or clogged ducts, results in a swollen, painful pimple. Additionally, if the pimple is picked, it could spread the germs and form boils around the outside surface of the nose.
Septum Perforation
The two holes of your nose are separated by a thin layer of skin called the septum. Normally the septum is able to keep its natural structure and you never notice any problems. Habitual picking of your nose, and especially scratching at the septum, could cause septum perforation. Septum perforation is a tiny hole in the septum that results in nose bleeds and a whistling sound when you breath through your nose.
Social Embarrassment
Even though nose picking is common, it is not socially acceptable. Because of its unhygienic results -- mucus and buggers touching your hands -- habitual nose pickers may find themselves quickly becoming social outcasts. Furthermore, it is considered rude and unsightly to pick your nose in public. It may be in your best interest to listen to the advice your mother gave you and not pick your nose.